
Coaching Works!


My client just received an additional $40k in salary!! We have achieved this in 90 days!! How is this possible - well she asked for it - simple? That simple 🤔🤔 - well yes and no.  Most coaches will say it’s just so easy. She put in the work.  ✅She turned up weekly for [...]

Coaching Works!2022-02-14T19:11:20+11:00

What is your area of focus in 2022?


What is your area of focus in 2022? Gallup research has identified five elements that encompass how we experience our lives and that can be considered the currency of a life that matters. 👉Wellbeing is composed of five interrelated and interdependent elements. The five elements of wellbeing are 🏆Career 🏆Social 🏆Financial 🏆Community 🏆Physical. Together, [...]

What is your area of focus in 2022?2022-02-08T19:16:18+11:00

How To Delegate So You Can Do More Of What You Enjoy


Are you delegating enough of your tasks out to others in your business, professional and family life? Do you struggle to delegate? Many do find it difficult to delegate, you are not alone. There is a school of thought that if I can’t delegate I must just like being control.  But what if I [...]

How To Delegate So You Can Do More Of What You Enjoy2022-02-01T14:53:58+11:00

Reflect, Focus, And Look Forward!


Being in the moment and focusing energy towards a future that is fulfilling, calm, energised and purpose lead. This is at the core of our business – to focus on the future and how this can be achieved. Acceptance of the past and understanding the lessons provided is key to creating the future you [...]

Reflect, Focus, And Look Forward!2022-01-26T12:58:44+11:00

How to Focus Your Teams’ Strengths in Times of Disruption


In times of stress, change or crisis, people fall back on what's comfortable to them. The COVID-19 crisis has taken away dinners out with family, going to kids' sporting events, and in-person office conversations with coworkers -- the places, spaces, and people that are familiar. But our natural way of thinking, i.e., our strengths, are [...]

How to Focus Your Teams’ Strengths in Times of Disruption2020-04-24T13:22:42+10:00

How Millenials Want to Work and Live


This is a big topic and intended to provide a springboard for discussions to increase leadership and engagement outcomes. 71% of millenials are either not engaged or actively disengaged in the workplace - this is a staggering statistic and a subject to be explored. In reviewing the information in this article, I am super [...]

How Millenials Want to Work and Live2020-03-04T16:49:32+11:00

Building Teams – How to Achieve Excellence


Building teams, at its core, is about allowing people to work together in a collaborative way and having respect for one another. Strengths Based Workshops are designed to inspire and help each team member feel empowered and “seen”. Why Strengths? A person’s talents and strengths are their feelings, thoughts and behaviours that come naturally [...]

Building Teams – How to Achieve Excellence2020-03-04T16:47:17+11:00

Performance reviews – Rewarding experience? Are they even necessary?


I would say that most people walk into a review feeling nervous and anxious about what is going to be said. Generally, the sense is that their weaknesses are going to be exposed and the manager will point out what they haven’t done, rather than focus on what they have done. Well that was [...]

Performance reviews – Rewarding experience? Are they even necessary?2020-03-04T16:46:44+11:00